Lisbeth's English/박코치 책 리뷰

Stay hungry -[2]Best cars for teens

또바긔 2016. 8. 17. 16:12

Best cars for teens

2009 Toyota cheery(camry) ,2009 hyende occur(honda accord) ,2010 books wegan zera(Volkswagen Jetta) ,2002 vovo bee 70(volvo)

You may notice they have something in common. Not the fact their(they're) silver or white, but the sides(sizes) specifically mid-sides(sides) so dance(sedans) and a wagon. And while their(they're) used cars, they still bought(boast) good gas mileage, easy may-nut(maintenance). And a little bit of bling : navigation systems leather, sunroofs. For those who wanna put their kids in a new car, the 2012 hyundai sonata got top marks. And for those who wanna take parenting to the next level, check this out. A device called, "blue ring(link)" which are said kilometer(will set parameters) :how far your kids can go and how fast. "Anytime the car enters or leaves that area or speed beyond the limited seat(limits you set). You will be notify(notified) by email ,text messenge, or automatic(automated) phone message, giving you a little peace of mind until the clock strikes the curfew hour." Not great news for a teenager, but look at it this way. You've got the rest of your life for a soft- top and a shiny red finish.


1. cheery / camry  : You can listen this m sound in nose. 

2. books / Volkswagen : B and V sound

3. side / size  : Careful between d and z sound 

4. so dance / sedans : Pronunciation sound emphasizes d.

5. their / they're  : they 're stands for they are. 

Do you know the word 'CSR' , Corporate social responsibility. We call that is abbreviation.

6. bought/ boast : Totally different sounds especially last sound.  

7. may nut / maintenance :  I don't know the word 'may-nut' .. kkk t is almost silent in maintenance.  

8. ring / link:  As a whole, link is more shorter sound than ring 


1. boast : If someone boasts about something that they have done or that they own, they talk about it very proudly , in a way that other people may find irritating or offensive.   = brag 

2. Parenting : parenting is the activity of bringing up and looking after you child.

3. soft -top = convertible  : 


'Best cars for teens' story is about Car for teenager. They introduce some cars which has in common such as mid-size. And new device that is called 'blue link'. It can check how person drive a car or where they are going to be. And we can limit parameter and speed , distance. If our child drive over speed than limited velocity, you can receive on email or text message. That news is not good for kids but have positive thing. 

[Express an opinion]

-Teens should have curfews

I agree that teen should have curfews. 

 First thing is that teen have a lack of judgment yet. Now there're a lot of crime rate in korea. So it is so dangerous to activity at late time, even thought security is better than before. Especially teen have a high rate of accident. They don't know how many accident happen in late time , where or why that accident occurs. 

 Second thing is responsibility. Reason why parent want to get a curfew time is not that they don't believe their child themselves. It is one of rule in their family. So It is so crucial to let aware promise of family and respect the value of that.


-What kind of car would you like to buy?

To be honest, I'm not interested in car and don't need it yet. So I suppose to case if I buy a car , what do i want? In my case 3 things are sensitive for car. function, convenience, design. So I want to buy a car which has good gas mileage. and music player. It is one of dream that drive a car during turning on a music loudly. And design looks like gorgeous and fabulous.. kk gray is best color for this.  

-Should parents put 'Blue link' in their teenagers' cars? Why or why not?

Absolutely they should. Because teenagers don't have a many drive experience. so they need to hely and control by parent. It is more safety. And Blue link is not pressure for teenagers. We think it should take for granted like limited velocity or parameter. If their kid is not problem for a long time with Blue link, After it is ok to remove device.