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Lisbeth's English/굿모닝 팝스

6월 3일 굿모닝팝스 He said, there are two ways to live. You can live as if nothing is a miracle, or you can live as if everything is a Well it could be hot water in your bath or a cup of coffe someone else's made for you. 더보기
5월 31일 굿모닝팝스 1. You dedicated your entire life to this agency. = The agency has been your whole life. = You gave all you had to this agency. 당신은 인생 전부를 이 회사를 위해서 헌신했어요. 2. Never insecure until I met you. 당신을 만나기 전까지 불안했던 적은 없었죠. 3. MVP = Matching Vocabulary Practice *go : 가다, 되다 - prices go up : 물가가 오르다 (Every day, gas prices go up more. - 매일 휘발유 가격이 더 올라요.) - go out for a drink : 술 마시러 나가다 (Let's call it a .. 더보기
5월 30일 굿모닝팝스 Shared sadness makes it bearable, and shared happiness is that much sweeter.슬픔은 함께 나누면 위로가 되고, 행복은 함께나누면, 더 달콤해진다. Emotions add flavor and variety to life. So share your feelings with others.감정들은 풍미와 다양성을 인생에 더해줍니다. 그러니, 당신의 감정을 다른 사람들과 나누세요! 1. I'm the reason for everything. = It's because of me that everything has a purpose = Because of me, everything happens. 나는 모든 것들의 원인이에요 2. I've tried dif.. 더보기
3월 16일 굿모닝팝스 Look ahead time 1. I lost track of time.시간 가는 줄 몰랐어요.(=I didn't realize what time it was.=I wasn't aware of the time.) 2. You are the one being deceived속은 사람은 바로 당신이라구. 3. Cold Screen English A: I'm sorry I lost track of time.죄송해요, 시간가는 걸 깜빡했어요. I was having a blast with Worm and Dirty D.Worm과 Dirty D와 재밌게 노느라구요. B: Dirty D? You know what? This is good. This is healthy. Dirty D? 너 그거 아니? 이건 아주 좋.. 더보기
3월 15일 굿모닝팝스 Look ahead time 1. The years would catch up시간이 한꺼번에 흘러버릴거야.(=Time would pass very quickly.=A lot of time goes by fast.) 2. It's all about what you choose.나는 모든 것이 선택하기 나름이라고 생각해. 3. Mind Screen English A: Couldn't you leave someday and live in the present, if you wanted to?당신이 원한다면 언젠가 여길 떠나서 현재에서 살 수 있지 않겠어요? B: No, more than a few minutes in your time and the years would catch up.안돼, 당신이 살고 있는.. 더보기
3월 14일 굿모닝팝스 1. I should probably get going.=I should go=It's time for me to head out=I ought to be on my way. (head out 나가다 , ought to ~해야만 한다 )2. Would you open your arms out to me?3. * mind-Peace of mind 마음의 평화=I'll keep that in mind 명심하다= Something on one's mind 고민이 있어요 (stare off into space 멍때리다)-I've got a good mind to +V ~하고싶지만 참다. 헛방 직방 He has got a chip on his shoulder.어깨에 칩을 올려놓았다?? 억을해서 예민해진 상태 (자.. 더보기
3월 13일 굿모닝 팝스 1. I'm not peculiar =You can't call me 'unusual"=Don't say that I'm eccentric=I'm not weird2. I'll be forever blue.3. Gold/Golden : 금, 금으로 만든, 소중한-As good as gold : 예의바른, 얌전한-Struck gold 대성공을 거둔 -Strike gold 성공을 거두다, 노다지를 캐다-A golden rule 황금법칙-The golden age 전성기 I need to lose my weight (X)I need to lose weight or some weight (O) 더보기
3월 10일 굿모닝팝스 Bribe : 뇌물을 주다, 매수하다.Bribe yourself!! 스스로에게 멋진 선물을 주쟈! 1. What did you need help with?=What kind of help did you need?=What problem did you have?daily chores 매일 하는 일 =clockwork = second nature 정확하게, 규칙적으로 (clockwork 시계장치)2. Nobody else understands me3. Destroydestroy one's life 인생을 망치다, 막살다destroy the economy 경제를 파괴하다destroy trust 신뢰를 무너뜨리다destroy one's reputation 평판을 안좋게 하다 Don't take it out on.. 더보기
3월 9일 굿모닝 팝스 What do you mean? =What are you talking about?=What are you saying?I wasn't trying to offend you (offend 기분상하게하다 ,불쾌하게여기다) I thought about it for far too long.=I thought about it way too long Deserve 자격이있다, 가치가있다deserve blame 비난받아 마땅하다deserve this 대접받아 마땅하다hardly deserve 자격이 없다deserve a mention 언급할만하다 Regular 단골He is regular here I'm a regular here. I'll just go with my usual today. (usual 매일 주문.. 더보기
3월 7일 굿모닝팝스 He would have told me you were coming =mentioned=informed me of your comingYou look as good as the day i met you.deny(denial : 부인, 부정)deny the truthdeny the chargesbe in denialbe denied entryStop making excuse 변명하지마Don't blame the dog!! 남탓하지마!! 더보기