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2월 28일 굿모닝팝스 1. Is there anything you'd like to add?=Anything else (to say)? =Do you have anything more to say? =2. I can smell the chemicals3. I went to school, only to find it was Sunday (only to do : 알고보니 결과는 ~ 뿐) 학교에 갔는데 일요일이였어. Let it go 신경쓰지말고, 그쯤해둬 =move onBrush you shoulders off 더보기
2월 27일 굿모닝 팝스 1. You ar looking for human error.=You are trying to find where a human mistake was made. =You want to see how a human made a mistake.*Sully is rational and strong. He grows on me. (grow on : ~에게 마음에 들다)2. She turned her tender eyes to me.3. Running a full marathon is very trying on you. (trying on someone : ~에게 힘이 들다) 난 빈털털이야I'm brokeI'm dirt poorI'm flat brokeI'm penniless 땡전한푼없어 I'm in the re.. 더보기
2월 22일 굿모닝팝스 Life is 10% what happens to you, and 90% how you react to it.Think about how many times a day you overreact to things that really do not matter.If you feel your blood boil, take a deep breath and ask yourself, "Is this really worth getting stressed out over?" It's your choice how you live your life. I choose the positive side of life. 1. How are you holding up?=How are you coping (with everythin.. 더보기
2월 20일 굿모닝팝스 It's been a long day. =Today has been really tough=This has been a very hard day. 2. I'm gonna give you my heart. 3. What are the chances of winning the lottery? chance of ~의 가능성 Pigs might fly. =There is no chance at all of something happening.해가 서쪽에서 뜨겠네~ 더보기
2월 17일 굿모닝팝스 Look ahead time 1. That was really something.(=What you did was amazing.There was a truely spectacular fit.)그건 정말 굉장했어 2. Here's the frozen proof.여기 명백한 증거가 있어요. 3. Rumor has it that they'll declare bankruptcy.그들이 파산 선언을 할거라는 소문이 있던데. Screen English A: That is you, right?당신이죠, 맞죠? B: Yeah네. A: Hey. It's a pleasure to meet you.만나게 되어서 정말 기뻐요. That was unreal what you did the other day. That was r.. 더보기
굿모닝팝스 2월 16일 2월16일 더보기
굿모닝팝스 2월 15일 *Look ahead time* - You need to be skillful. - I lost it somehow. - The interest rates are the lowest since 2007. *Screen English* - You need to be skillful. = You have to have skills. = Finely honed skills are necessary. ** finely honed skill 잘 연마된 기술 Hank : ​You need to be skillful, agile, 자넨 아주 능숙하고 민첩해야 해. ​** skillful 능숙한 / 숙련된 ​** agile 날렵한 / 민천한 ​-> fragile 깨지기쉬운 ​ ​and above all, you nee.. 더보기
굿모닝팝스 2월 14일 Screen English There was enough altitude and speed. 고도와 속도가 충분했어. = Altitude and speed were sufficient. = You had proper elevation and velocity. Pops English ​ Now I can tell you apart. 이제 난 구별할 수 있어요.   Kiss English ​ I don't have time to exercise these days. 나는 요즘에 운동할 시간이 없어.   A : A nurse doesn't have time to rest. B : It's very demanding profession.  ​ A : 간호사는 쉴 시간이 .. 더보기
굿모닝 팝스 2월 13일 1. 왼쪽 엔진은 충돌 떄 유실되었어 The left engine was lost in the crash. 2. 내 젊음은 그것을 위해 존재했어. That is what my youth was for. 3, 사람들 앞에서 너를 난처하게 만들 의도는 아니었어. I didn't meant to embrrass you in front of people. * A carrot and stick 당근과 채찍 우리 회사는 나에게 당근과 채찍 전략을 사용해. My company uses a carrot and stick approach with me. ** Beyond words 말로 설명할 수 없을 정도로 (고맙다) 그는 나에게 해준 것이 너~무 많아. 말로 설명할 수 없을 정도로 He has given m.. 더보기
2월 11일 굿모닝팝스 "최고의 과학자, Albert Einstein said" There's a light at the end of the tunnel. Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is to not stop questioning. "경험에서 배우고, 오늘 주어진 시간에 최선을 다하고, 내일에 대한 희망을 품고 살아가되, 항상 스스로에게 질문하고 탐구 자세를 잃지 말아야 한다." You know the experiences with the GMPers. What makes us who are today? Of course, we believe there surely is great future for all .. 더보기